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Where have I heard the beautiful song?

Mark Robinson

  • I don't believe the voices are silenced

Where have I heard the beautiful song of voices across the ages?
Who can pinpoint its source?
Have the voices now been silenced under a watery grave?

Haven’t I heard my ancestors singing of marching across the sandy earth strewn with the debris of time,
only to arrive at a shore with currents that swallow, and take and devour and never returns?

I am here today!
Bruised by distant shadows, but never defeated.
And yet,
I am here today!
Longing to hear a new song of beauty.

But all I hear is the growl of:
“Build upon their backs!”
“Build upon their backs!”
And still they march across the sandy earth…
Even today they head for the sea.
And still today the sea lays in violent wait, for its new accomplice.
It waits to swallow those departed. It waits to take and devour and never return.

And still I long to hear the voices sing ...

I don’t believe the voices are silenced, even beneath a watery grave, I believe they sing.
But how do we hear the beautiful song of voices across the ages?

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