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A new start

Mark Robinson

  • Even to hope ...

As Christians, one of the things we hold very dear is the idea of hope. We live in the knowledge that there is better to come ... as the Apostle Paul said to those in Corinth, if what we hope for is only what we can gain in this life then our hope is certainly in vain.

But there are those who believe that living in the hope of a better age is nonsense and bad news, because all around us we see evidence of a bad and broken world. They believe that we must only deal with the facts as they appear, and the facts are exactly what we see in the newspapers and see on the television. They say that hope is a pipe dream and the truth of the matter is not some future hope, but the reality of today’s world, its the real life stories on the news - that is all we can ever hope for.


Yorkshire countryside

But I know that God broke into our bad and broken world. I know that God shattered our reality and turned everything on its head; when the crucified and dead Jesus rose from the dead. The reality of our world, our real life stories were shown to be lacking one vital ingredient ... The disciples eventually saw this vital ingredient as they were witness to the risen Lord.

That vital ingredient ... that thing that they saw was lacking, was the knowledge that in every blade of grass, in every hair on our heads, in every day that we live, God is there alongside revelling in our joys and hurting in our pain, and yet allowing us the choice to recognise His presence or not. That is what we see of God in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


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