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New Day

Mark Robinson

  • We come with open arms and open hearts ...

Dearest God, Thank you for this new day ... for the noise of people waking up, and movement all around us. Thank you for kettles brewing and bread on the plate, for sunlight streaming through the windows and so much more.

Thank you too for the days when the rain comes ... when there isn’t enough bread for the plates and when we’re just not feeling to stir out of bed.

Thank you that you understand, that we have our ups and downs; that life can be difficult, that the road isn’t always well paved and easy to navigate.

Thank you that you are a God of compassion and mercy, a God who understands us totally through Jesus Christ.

We thank you that no matter what this new day brings, you are with us, that your word is a guide and that through the power of your Holy Spirit, we can face both the good times and the not so good times. Through the power of your Spirit we face each day with Your Blessing. Thank you Dear God. Amen

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